Saturday, December 22, 2012

Museum Aoyama Gosho

Wah aku terpesona banget pas liat blog tetangga ada info ini.. Tau ga sih Aoyama Gosho, abang yang bikin Detective Conan dkk ini sekarang punya museum sendiri loh. Ato nama kerennya Gosho Aoyama Factory. 

Hatsune Miku - Megurine Luka - Samune Zimi | Re Boot Lyric

Halo semua. waktu itu aku pernah post tentang Re Boot.. Dan inilah liriknya.. Enjoy the lyric.. Dapet copas (copy paste) dari sini..

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hatsune Miku - Megurine Luka - Samune Zimi | Reboot

I like this song. If we watch the video, we will understand the story. The video tells us about the friendship around 3 girls, they are Miku, Luka, and Zimi. They have same little star. Htey always go everywhere together
One day, there was a little fight between Miku n Luka. Unfortunetly Luka's star fall.. Zimi tried to took that star. But a big truck passed her by, and made Zimi went away forever.
This accident made Miku and Luka hate each other. Htey never asked each other when they met.
But one day Miku n Luka met again at the Astronomy Labolatory. And they regret their behaviour. Zimi was happy to see that. So she could go to heaven with smiile :)

Click here for the romaji lyric plus english sub.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Detective Conan Movie 15 | Quarter of Silence

Akhirnya bisa update soal Movie 15 juga. Aku baru nonton yang ind sub (dapet minta). Okeh kita tebak tebakan dulu dari judulnya Quarter of Silence. Quarter itu seperempat ato kalo di dalam jam itu cuma 15 menit. Terus Silence itu kesunyian. Kira kira kaya apa ya? Cekidot sinopsis conan movie 15/

Versi terbaru dari sinopsis movie ini dapat diliat di sini ya. Reviewnya aku tulis di post terpisah.